Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'm Still Here...

In answer to Motel Manager's comment, "Last night, I dreamed you had them today. Any truth to that?? :)" ...

Today I've only given birth to more hemorrhoids (whimper). The babies are still cooking!

I'm so happy to be at 36 weeks and 1 day. Would you believe I have outlasted my grandmother and my cousin, who both had "natural" twin pregnancies and are much larger women than me? My grandmother had her twins at 33 weeks, and as a result my mom and uncle spent a month in the hospital. My cousin had her twins at about 34 weeks, with the babies being born at about 3 pounds each. I can now thumb my nose at the reports that say IVF moms have their twins earlier than natural moms.

1 comment:

Hopeful Mother said...

Emmie, you rock! So proud of you! You go girl!

I only hope I can do the same...